B.Traits - Live @ Mixmag Lab Ldn 2016 International Women's Day

Smirnoff Sound Collective and Mixmag are dedicating their worldwide Labs to International Women’s Day. It celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women every year. http://www.internationalwomensday.com

B.Traits and La Fleur take control of The Lab LDN, Gina Turner hits The LAB LA, the Discwoman collective curates The Lab NYC and KLP steps into The Lab SYD.

International Women’s Day 2016 is focusing on accelerating gender parity across the globe. At the current rate of progress, it’ll be 2133 before the gender gap is closed. We’re talking over 100 years before there’s equal access to education, health care, jobs and political representation, which is shocking.

One of the most-loved UK-based DJs joins us for what will be her 3rd appearance on MixmagTV. The skilled producer, DJ, presenter and tastemaker will undoubtedly be bringing the deeper and darker sounds of European house and techno.